Daylight Savings: Fall Back without Falling out of good sleeping habits by Akira Seuradge
October 10, 2019
Daylight Savings: Fall Back without Falling out of good sleeping habits.
The time is near. The End of Day Light Savings. What does that mean for us ? Well, for those without children you are getting a whole extra HOUR of sleep. For those with little ones, especially ones who wake extra early it can feel like you’ve entered a Hunger Games Tournament —
The good news is you can get though this transition without sacrificing your sleep in tribute with these 5 Key Strategies;
- For the first three days into the Daylight Savings time change adjust your child’s schedule backwards by 20 minutes each day. If your little one won’t sleep in you can keep their sleep space as dark as possible and delay feeding to help guide them to a later wake up time. When they arrive at the appropriate wake up time open the blinds and start your day. After the three days jump into the normal schedule.
- Keeping your baby awake will be a key element in this process to support them they adjust to the change. This is your chance to have fun and go wild! Put on some music, blow bubbles, introduce something new and shiny and really try to keep their attention off the fact that sleep is approaching. This is temporary and as the days go on the sleepy signs will appear less and less. If bedtime is a real struggle keep the lights on in the evening to help signal your little ones body clock that it is still day and not yet time for sleep.
- Continue with your regular bedtime routine. A concise bedtime routine that is consistent and repetitive signals your little ones brain that the big long sleep is coming. This bedtime routine should be something unique to any other part of your day so that it’s a clear signal that sleep is near - not matter what time the clock is reading.
- Controlling the light will help your child’s circadian rhythm adjust to the environment until it meets the change organically. It also helps signal the brain during times when your little one should be awake vs. sleeping. In the morning flip the lights on, open the blinds and get outside or near a window. During your bedtime routine a dim light helps relax their bodies and reduce stimulation.
- Allow for time to adjust. Some will catch on quicker than others but keep in mind even adults can take up to a week to fully adjust to Daylight Savings changes. Remain positive and consistent and it will come.
Hurdles will arise from time to time in your sleep journey. From teething to illness to pesky Daylight Savings. What will set your little one apart in getting over those hurdles without causing regressions is a great foundation of good sleeping habits and great sleep health.
If your little one is struggling with sleep, please know help is available through a variety of methods and programs -Connect with me today.
May the odds be ever in your favour!